My award eligibility, 2021

I briefly typed “2929” in the title of this post and whew, that was a brief, if exciting trip. But alas, I’ve been informed that I must return to this year, 2021, for at least a little while longer.

Hugo nominations opened this week which means, yes, we’ve rolled around to awards season once again. So, here’s my rundown of what I did in the year that was which is now eligible to be nominated for any of your favorite awards, whether they be Hugos, Nebulas, Dragons, Locus…es? Loci? And so on.

Novel: My latest book, The Aleph Extraction, came out in May 2020, and it’s eligible for all your favorite “best novel” awards. I’m really proud of this book, and I know that sequels can be tricky when it comes to awards, but heck, I’m putting it out there, because what have I got to lose? (I will note that Aleph did come runner up in the 2020 Upgradies, an honor I will continue to treasure.)

Short Stories: I put out two short stories last year: “Pilot Error” and “Showdown”. They may not be eligible for every award since I published them myself, but they are eligible for the Best Short Story Hugo, since they are both under 7500 words and…that’s all that really matters? So there you go.

Best Series: For the first time, the Galactic Cold War series is eligible for the Best Series Hugo, since Aleph came out this past year and marks the third installment (despite the different publishers). This is somewhat contentious category, I realize, but if you really enjoy the series, have at!

That’s it for my award-eligible works from the year 2020. Guess I’d better get to work on something for 202…2? Math is hard.